stay unique as the commeth moth from Madagascarstay unique as the commeth moth from Madagascar

Staying unique vs. following trends

Recently I was reading: it is better if you are someone who provide something generally to others. It was not good to read. I was thinking it is better if you can stay unique instead of being liked by others for something you are not.

Stay unique and do not try being like others, as following others could mean you lose yourself in the process. You don’t have to behave as others just to be liked by others.

Obviously if you have a goal to be liked by the whole population, then it’s better if you learn how to. Learn then how to fascinate others with similar ideas like they have. Otherwise, just be who you are. Do what feels good for you and makes you happy (obviously in ethical ways and not by breaking the laws).

A lot of teenagers want to change in order to be like others and be part of a group. That doesn’t mean you have to follow this pattern if you do not want to do this. You don’t have to be like everyone else all the time in order to Be happy.

If being like others makes you happy, then do it. But if you don’t like it, then do not do it. I mean, that’s obvious, but not always and not for everyone.

Staying unique nowadays difficult, because

  • others want you to follow trends,
  • have a feeling or fears of missing out (FoMO), but sometimes it worths.

Fear of Missing Out (FoMO) effect

Fear of missing out (FOMO): a term since 2004 to describe a phenomenon observed on social media and social networking sites.

FoMO consists of two processes:

  • perception of missing out,
  • followed with a compulsive behavior to maintain social connections and it is usually associated with a wide range of negative life experiences or feelings, because of that one of the example is the dependency on social media.

To learn more about FoMO please read this study, where I found the definition of the term: FoMO.


I always speak about social media. It is because on social media, a lot of people are doing exactly the same things. There you can see better the herd mentality. I don’t blame anyone, but it’s a good example how people can be leaded by others. It is not always good as we all know from wars and dictators this can end in bad ways.

On the other hand social media a good place and help people to create, or give them good ideas.

Coins always have two sides.

Looking similarly, or creating similar contents not makes you special or outstanding only if your content is very special. If you are on the same platform with thousands, or millions of people, and you are doing the same things over and over again, then the results might be the same on the long-run.

What makes you unique or outstanding?

Your special thinking

  • about different ideas,
  • not using the same platforms,
  • creating new ideas regarding different topics,
  • following similar trends, but creating something different.

So I advise you to.

  • Do not always. Follow the same Trends. The heard. Or the group of people who are you with.

It is easier to follow others, instead taking the time and responsibility to stand out for your own beliefs. Sometimes it is worth to create something alone, instead of doing what others are doing all the time..

Have courage and be brave to find out something new and create.

Be brave

Be brave to

  • have/create your own ideas and
  • encourage and motivate yourself when you really need a motivation,
  • find inner inspiration and never give up, because that’s how you are going forward.

Your life will move forward instead of moving backward if you start to be brave. You will learn a lot on your journey.

Steps you need to take:

  • Stand up yourself,
  • Choose your own battles by learning and experiencing, because those will be always there with you,
  • You’ll need to choose yourself in every decisions where you might need to decide if you are speaking up or standing up for yourself.
  • This is a much better journey than when you are not into the same following mentality, which I would not recommend on the long-run, that does not mean neglect your social connections, because those are important, but it does mean that you create your own ways.

If you can be then stay unique. Why to follow something if your values or ideas are different. If you want to create different or unique then don’t follow others just to do something.

Create something new

Creating something new is not always easy. You need inner motivation and inspiration to innovate, create and find out your own way. To find out how to do it alone, or with your team this can be very difficult sometimes.

You don’t know how to do it, but if you are already in the process, then it’s much easier. You find out how to do it easier and you know why you are doing it. Although if you never start, you never be able to continue. You will always at the stage of the beginning. You will always at the stop before you are starting and this will not motivate you further.

Motivation usually comes from doing, when you are rolling and rolling ahead. If you never start doing you will be never motivated. Motivation can generate more motivation. It helps you to get more energy and to be more inspired because, it’s easier when you are already doing

You have the courage, the motivation, the inspiration too. You get more experienced, you learn more and more. Get this all together and you will feel yourself good and it is just getting better & better.

While you will have more and more ideas with time.

What’s difficult in this process?

For me usually the beginning was. You might get used to that you are following others ideas, or you are reading something and following this, or that, but at least try to find out sometimes what to do alone. If you can not find out alone, and you are not able to make the most out of your time then you do not even try. Try only when you are brave enough to find out new ways.

In that case you’re thinking, doing and improving continuously. You are going through on a journey and you will never became the one who you have been before.

So to be unique you need to take the responsibility that you will change for the better or sometimes the worse and you will not stay the same. You need the courage to jump through on different blocks and barriers in order to get ahead on your own development journey.

Life is a journey and creating something is a journey too. Business is a journey too.

Meanwhile you are in the process you can find out how to create more and more things. It means that you will get better with time. All you need to do is practice because that’s how it starts and how it’s going.

Trust in yourself

Trust in yourself and that something is possible even if you don’t know yet how you will do, or make something possible but you will find out.

For example, if you are planning to go to a trip, so want travel somewhere, but you don’t know what you will do in your next destination, then you don’t have to always plan out everything. Sometimes you just need to give yourself time & trust yourself that you will find out the next steps. For this you need more self-awareness and flexibility and learning from experiences.

Obviously, if you have more dependency, for example, a family, or you depend on time, then it’s not that easy to do this, or not a good fit. It is a good fit if

  • you have a lot of creativity, or
  • you are a teenager, or
  • a young adult, or
  • you have a family who are very flexible, then you are ready to find out how to solve things while you are doing them.

It’s easier to find the best deals when you have flexibility.

Start – do – adapt

So to sum up, you need to stay unique for this. You need the courage, braveness for starting and doing. It starts with You.

Motivation, inspiration, creativity, new ideas, all of them will come with time and when you are already doing something you get more and more experiences. This will get you going more and more forward.

So if you are not that brave or experienced, then don’t feel sorry for yourself instead start to do and get experiences and gradually you will improve. This will help you to tackle more and more challenges, because with more experiences, it will be easier to find out what to do next.

Transform like a butterfly

In order to transform yourself from being less confident to a more confident person, you need to change and improve yourself and get more experiences. This will help you to achieve

  • short term goals, and
  • long term goals.

This will motivate you to be better and soon you will have much more and better opportunities as you are growing as a person and with your experiences, which help you to grow.

Achieve the goals and results you want to achieve..

It’s a bit different topic, but similarly, when a butterfly starts as a bug and became a butterfly with a transformation, but it will be, never be the same again like it was before.

I don’t think it’s a problem because, you know, butterflies can fly, and they have much more skills than the bug had previously before when they were young.

So it’s a good idea just to start and you will see how amazing when you are working on it.

Stay unique. Commeth moth  butterfly from Madagascar.
Commeth moth from Madagascar (Img. source: Quora)

By Silk and Cake

Hi, Silk & Cake is my new blog about design, experience, entertainment, business, travel, fashion, and LifeStyle.

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