core valuescore values

This is the 2nd part of the article of “Living by Design: The Transformative Power of Core Values II. In the 1st article written about: early stage clarification. Examples. Ethical principles. Role of Core Values in Decision-Making. In the 2nd you can read them soon: history,

Interpretations of values throughout different ages and history

Going through on the events of the history regarding core values (what happened, when and how) can uncover for us why we need to pay attention the past, present and future events. Those might change definition or importance of present values and we can understand how an age or era changed or ended.

So here are some examples what important core values in the history in different historical ages were. These values were not universal and varied depending on the culture and context. We cannot forget that these were guiding principles, which helped societies to flourish and in some cases, to be destroyed:

Ancient Greece (500 BC)

High values were honor, courage, and wisdom in ancient Greek culture. Individuals needed to uphold their reputation through acts of bravery and wisdom.

Medieval Europe (1000-1500 AD)

It was respect for authority, loyalty, and duty. They were highly valued during this period. Knights and nobles were expected to be loyal to their lords to fulfill their duties to the kingdom.

Renaissance (14th-17th century AD)

During the Renaissance, individualism, creativity, innovation became important values. Artists, writers, and thinkers were encouraged to express themselves and push the boundaries of traditional norms.

Enlightenment (18th century AD)

Reasons, rationality, and scientific inquiry were highly valued during this period. The idea of individual rights and freedoms also emerged as important values.

Industrial Revolution (18th-19th century AD)

Hard work, self-reliance, perseverance was valued during the Industrial Revolution as people worked to adapt to the changing economic landscape.

Civil Rights Movement (1950s-1960s AD)

During it was equality, justice, nonviolence became important values during this period as people worked to challenge systemic racism and discrimination.

Constant values

Some values, such as honesty, integrity, and empathy, have remained constant throughout history and continue to be important today.

Evolution in values

Reasons a change happened in different ages

Ancient times

  • Honor and Courage was highly valued, but as societies became more well-mannered, these values became less important. Honor codes and codes of chivalry were replaced by legal systems and social norms. That discouraged violence and aggression.


  • Respect for Authority was a core value throughout much of history. Been challenged and ended at several times. For example, during the American and French Revolutions, people rebelled against authoritarian rule and demanded more democratic forms of government.

Contemporary society

  • Community and Cooperation: remain important values today. Been challenged by individualism and competition. As societies have become more complex and diverse, it has become more difficult to maintain a sense of community and cooperation.
  • Individualism and Freedom: highly valued today. Been challenged by social norms and restrictions throughout the history. For example, during times of war or national crisis, individual freedoms may curtailed in the interest of national security. Wars are dangerous for individualism, democracy, freedom and life.
core values and ethics: freedom
  • Equality and Social Justice: have become increasingly important values in recent years, they remain a work in progress. Discrimination, inequality, and oppression continue to be major challenges in many societies, and progress toward greater equality and social justice can be slow and difficult.

Change and evolution of values

It is worth noting that core values do not necessarily “end,” but rather evolve and change over time. In some cases, mix with other values and latest trends emerge from existing ones.

In other cases, as societies and cultures change, new values emerge, while older values may become less relevant or give way to new ones.

Some values may be challenged or threatened by social, economic, or political factors, but they may also be revived or reclaimed in response to changing circumstances.


Basic problems in relationships

The three most important problems, which could come up:

  • not having the same principles or in other words core values, while the other ones have
  • not clear definitions and determinations regarding values and principles,
  • not effective communication and

any kind of combination of the above three problems, That can destroy the individual’s own self-esteem, self-confidence and self-respect, the company’s own worth or the society itself.

Understanding the basic values, guiding principles, and communicating these ones between the two sides are crucial, be this

  • in “individual relationships”: friendships, family membership’, partnership, romantic relationships,
  • in company connections: being a worker, an employee, business partner, board member, etc.
  • in a society: between countries in diplomacy, public relationships, and through the media outlets.

Non-clarified guiding principles and core values

The terms refer to principles and values that are

  • not well-defined,
  • not understood, or
  • not communicated, which can lead to confusion, inconsistency, and lack of accountability. Can arise in various contexts, such as in organizations, communities, or personal relationships.

For example,

  • in an organization, if the guiding principle of “excellence” is not clearly defined. Employees may have different interpretations of what excellence means and how to achieve it,. This can lead to inconsistent performance and outcomes.
  • in a community if a community values “diversity” but does not define what diversity means or how to promote it. There may be confusion and disagreement about how to achieve this value. These can cause inner tension and in the worst case the meltdown of the cohesion of the community

They also lead to a lack of accountability, as there are no clear standards or expectations to hold individuals or groups responsible for their actions.

This can undermine trust and credibility, as people may perceive values and principles applied inconsistently or arbitrarily.

To address them it is important to

  • define and communicate values and principles clearly, and
  • ensure that they are understood and internalized by individuals and groups.

This can involve

  • developing clear definitions and
  • examples of values and principles,
  • providing training and support to help people apply them effectively, and
  • establishing systems of accountability and
  • evaluation to monitor and reinforce adherence to values and principles.

For example, an on-boarding process of a new individual for a company where the basics, values, and ethics are well-defined.

The importance of clarification in relationships and other connections

Not well-defined values like

  • mixing, replacing one with another;
  • not confessing real ones,
  • not understanding our own self, and
  • other problems may lead to misunderstandings and arguments.

In emotionally heated situations, and during arguments these can cause serious problems. These times people more often misunderstand each other. What the other person does and why as their background, beliefs and experiences can be that different.

Different individuals may have different core values.

Although, we cannot tell which has more importance over the other, we can explain why it is crucial to clarify them at the beginning of any relationship. Be it a friendship, a romantical relationship, a team membership, a business partnership, or any other human connection. E.g.: being a new employee of a company or a new member of a new country.

Values and ethics refer to beliefs and principles that guide individuals, companies, and societies. Mostly in their decision-making (process), behavior, interactions with others. Based on values actions being taken, and determined whether they are right or wrong, good or bad, acceptable, or unacceptable.

Individual and crowd experiences can shape values. These can be shaped by life, taught beliefs, cultural background, politics, history, religion, education, and other factors.

Core values in the workplace important principles what people need to agree with to read more about the topic here is an Indeed article about it.

Values and caring

Caring is often seen as a value or principle that guides one’s actions and behaviors. Caring is a state of concern and interest in the well-being of others. Accompanied by a willingness to act to improve their situation.

For example,

  • if an individual values compassion as a personal value, they are likely to show caring behaviors towards others. By demonstrating kindness, empathy, and a willingness to help.
  • if an individual values responsibility as a personal value, they may show caring behaviors towards others. By taking accountability for their actions and making efforts to improve the well-being of those around them.

In this way, values and caring interconnected and can reinforce each other. In addition to this when individuals prioritize caring behaviors, they often do so based on their personal values. Moreover when they act in accordance with their values, they may find themselves more naturally inclined to show caring behaviors towards other.

Core values and caring

By Silk and Cake

Hi, Silk & Cake is my new blog about design, experience, entertainment, business, travel, fashion, and LifeStyle.

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